Thursday, March 21, 2013

Schedule Update - March 25th starts the Camino!

After the recent surgery after the Barcelona Marathon March 17th I needed a few days to heal before beginning my run and life living hostel to hostel. Serendipitously a good friend of mine and his wife relocated to Le Landeron, Switzerland on March 13th and were kind enough to invite me to visit and share in the new international adventure combining our travels.

The timing could not have been better! I booked a flight on EasyJet from Barcelona, Spain to Geneva, Switzerland and off I went and here I am.

I'm enjoying Swiss cheese, chocolate, wine and the gorgeous countryside until my flight from Basel, Switzerland to Toulouse, France Sunday morning March 24th. From Toulouse I'll take a train to Pau, then Bayonne and finally St. Jean Pied de Port where I'll stay for the night before heading to the pilgrimage office the morning of the 25th to receive my official pilgrimage passport and scallop shell which is the symbol of a pilgrim on the path.

From there marks day one climbing up and over the Pyrenees mountains covering 18 miles and 5,000+ feet of elevation gain. I'll stop in Roncevalles, Spain for the night and rest up for a 20+ mile day the following day.

More updates to come and a surprise "Running the Pilgrimage" tech shirt in the works for followers to enjoy and show off the adventure while on their own runs/journeys!

The official tech shirts have arrived!  Preview and order yours here:

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