Sunday, January 13, 2013

Correr o Morir por Kilian Jornet

Some light reading.

Kilian Jornet is considered the best ultra, sky, mountain runner in the world and for good reason. He's an inspiration!

Inspiring words from a true fighter highlighted in the photo.


  1. Translation please? :) I don't trust web translators.

  2. My rough translation of the highlighted sentence is:
    "You grow some balls and head out into the rain until the blood has drained from your legs causing you to fall to the ground in the mud and you pick yourself up again to continue climbing/ascending..."

  3. Estaba esperando que saliera este libro en inglés - ni me occurió buscarlo en español. Gracias por publicar este blog - acabo de comprar el libro y voy a leerlo ya!
