Thursday, February 28, 2013

Safe and sound in Madrid! Time to get out for a run after zero sleep…zzz

Nothing like a run in the park on the first day in snow flurries to get the blood pumping again after 14 hours on planes and trains.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rough map of the route / March 20th - April 10th-ish

Travesía España a pie...

I'll be using my iPhone to GPS my location and progress each day.  Ever wonder how that's possible without a service plan in a foreign country or a wi-fi connection?  Read all about it here:

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The date to start the run is set! Wednesday, March 20th!

A bus from Barcelona after racing the Barcelona Marathon March 17th will put me in St. Jean Pied-de-Port, France where the run across Spain will officially begin on March 20th traversing the Pyrenees mountain range to enter into Spain and stay my first overnight stay in Roncesvalles, Spain.